Priority Communications recognised as one of Aotearoa’s top public relations companies

At the recent Public Relations Institute of New Zealand Te Pūtahi Whakakakau Tūmatanui o Aotearoa (PRINZ) Awards, Priority Communications was named Silver Award winner in the PR Consultancy of the Year - Small to Medium category!

Judged by industry professionals, the PRINZ awards recognise excellence, promote continuous improvement, and showcase the outstanding work being achieved by public relations and communications professionals across Aotearoa. The PRINZ judges come from international and regionally diverse backgrounds, as well as inhouse, agency, and government backgrounds, to ensure a representative sample from the communications industry.

We were absolutely thrilled to receive this industry recognition in the Awards’ 49th year, and the Priority Communications team would like to thank our wonderful clients and supporters who we’ve loved working with over the past 10 years.

Our team would also like to offer a big congratulations to all of this year’s other PRINZ award winners. It’s wonderful to see the strong calibre of work being completed across the country.

In awarding Priority Communications the Silver Award, the judges commented:

“Priority Communications is an impressive, award-winning consultancy with top level direction from the principal. The agency would give any new client a great degree of confidence in solving issues and delivering on objectives. You’ve already made a mark. Small is only a number. Priority is delivering big.”

“We’re very impressed with Priority’s commitment to building cultural competency by building Te Ao Maori into your business.” 

“A very solid and capable firm of diverse but successful comms and PR people delivering great results for their clients while growing the firm’s profitability. The massive two to three-year pro-bono project for EpiPen with its outstanding results is extremely commendable, given the amount of time consultants would have to donate to it, without ever compromising great work. This pro-bono effort makes Priority an excellent contender for an award.”


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